What to Do

Before the Interview

Know yourself

  • What strengths, skills and accomplishments do you want to emphasize?
  • Know your personal strengths. Why does the employer need your expertise? What contribution can you make to the organization?

Research the organization

  • Find out pertinent and useful information about the company such products and services, structure, size, outlook, etc.
  • Find out as much about the job as possible, for example, how the position fits into the overall structure of the company, desired qualifications, responsibilities, salary range, etc.

Practice your interview skills

  • Use the free Interview Stream tool to practice before your real interview.
  • Schedule an appointment with a Career Coach to practice your answers in a mock interview and get immediate feedback.[link]

Arrive early

  • Arrive 15 minutes early. If the interview is far away, or in a location you don't know well, plan to arrive 30 minutes early as a buffer in case you get lost.
  • Bring resumes and examples of past performance (for example, the brochure of a program you managed)

At the Interview

Use body language

  • Offer a firm handshake at the beginning and end of the interview.
  • Maintain good eye contact.
  • Smile and show enthusiasm.


Before answering a question, determine what the interviewer is asking. If the questions is unclear, ask for clarification.

Answer questions

  • The key to answering interview questions well is to relate work experience, educational training, and personal strengths to the particular job that you are applying for.
  • Use the S.T.A.R. (Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to convey your skills, abilities, strengths, and achievements effectively.

Ask questions

  • Ask questions to show that you have researched the organization and want to learn more about it.
  • Your questions influence the employer's perception of you.
  • In a first interview, do not ask about salary, benefits, or hours.

After the Interview

Follow up with a formal, brief thank you card or email.  It reminds the employer of your abilities and qualifications and may distinguish you from candidates who do not send a thank-you.